Lab Write Up 1

Name: Cameron Beattie

Period: 7

Assignment: Lab #1

Lab Overview

This lab focused on costume changes as well as background changes.

My Solution

I drew a stick figure and changed his color for his multiple costumes to simulate party lights. Then I made a background of balloons to simulate a parted and used the "next costume" code to cycle through his costumes.

Project Link

Lab Overview

This lab required us to make a hexagon using sprites

My Solution

I made multiple angled lines and made them move to specific points on the grid using the "glide" tool, making an actual hexagon shape

Project Link

Lab Overview

This lab Required us to make the sprite move in a square around the screen while rotating

My Solution

I used the glide tool to make the sprite move across the stage and then used the rotate tool to make it rotate 90 degree. Then I made it loop forever using the forever loop tool.

Project Link


  1. What blocks do you recognize? What is unfamiliar?
    • I recognise pretty much just the basic movement stuff as well as some control blocks and looks/sounds.
  2. How large is the scratch screen.
    • 360 pixels X 480 pixel
  3. Where is the center of the screen in scratch?
    • The center is at (0,0).
  4. What are the units of measurement of the scratch screen?
    • The scratch screen is measured in pixels.
  5. How many sprites can you have on the screen? How many stages? Explain why this makes sense.
    • You can have as many sprites as your computer can handle but only one background. This makes sense because there's always room for more sprites, but any new background would cover all the others.